PA Restoration Target Tool

version 0.999

site name (optional):

8.4 EcoRegion

This is some help

For planning purposes only. Use at your own risk.

Annual mean temp (deg C):6.5 to 10.7
annual mean temperature
Beers aspect:0 to 2
Beers et al. (1966) transformation of slope direction. Original scale is 0 (SW, most exposed) to 2 (NE, most sheltered), with values grading equivalently in both directions between the extremes.
Plan curvature:-1.2 to 0.8
The curvature of a cell perpendicular to the direction of the maximum slope. Influences convergence and divergence of flow
Profile curvature:-2.8 to 1.9
The curvature of a cell in the direction of the maximum slope. Affects the acceleration and deceleration of flow and, therefore, influences erosion and deposition
Slope curvature:-1.9 to 3.4
The curvature of a cell as fitted through that cell and its neighbors.
Dist to coastal waters (m):53206 to 369592
Euclidean distance to nearest estuary or sea/ocean. [This probably can be tossed since only differs from estuaries if you're in the middle of the ocean or on an island with no estuaries identified]
Dist to estuary (m):53206 to 369592
Euclidean distance to nearest estuary
Dist to inland waters (m):0 to 1064
Euclidean distance to nearest stream, river, or other inland waterbody (excluding estuaries)
Dist to lake (m):0 to 14670
Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir > 1 ha
Dist to lake or river (m):0 to 6010
Euclidean distance to nearest river or other inland waterbody (features represented by polygons)
Dist to ocean (m):82601 to 477045
Euclidean distance to nearest sea/ocean
Dist to pond (m):0 to 8063
Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir <= 1 ha
Dist to river (m):0 to 11779
Euclidean distance to nearest stream/river
Dist to stream (m):0 to 1932
Euclidean distance to nearest stream (features represented by lines only)
Dist to fresh marsh (m):0 to 10143
Distance to freshwater emergent wetland
Dist to woody wetland (m):0 to 8236
Distance to forested palustrine wetland
Dist to salt marsh (m):63087 to 369808
Distance to saltwater emergent wetland
Flowpath dist to water or wetland (m):0 to 47665
The downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature.
Elevation (cm):121.6 to 758
Elevation in centimeters (originally in meters)
Topographic moisture:0 to 199999
Flow accumulation is used as a proxy for topographic moisture. For each cell, this is determined by summing the weights of all cells flowing into it. This does not account for flow differences over different soil types.
Growing degree days (days):1681 to 2589
Growing degree days
Dist to sand (m):0 to 68636
Euclidean distance to sand
Dist to loam (m):0 to 2782
Euclidean distance to loam
Dist to silt/clay (m):0 to 3951
Euclidean distance to silt/clay
Dist to CP sand, limestone (m):580057 to 737501
Euclidean distance to coastal plain sand over limestone
Dist to CP loam, limestone (m):578793 to 736260
Euclidean distance to coastal plain loam over limestone
Dist to CP silt/clay, limestone (m):581135 to 739280
Euclidean distance to coastal plain silt and clay over limestone
Dist to acidic sedimentary rock (m):0 to 11632
Euclidean distance to acidic sedimentary bedrock
Dist to acidic shale (m):0 to 130078
Euclidean distance to acidic shale bedrock
Dist to calc rock (m):284 to 120902
Euclidean distance to calcareous bedrock
Dist to moderately calc rock (m):0 to 43214
Euclidean distance to moderately calcareous bedrock
Dist to acidic granitic rock (m):0 to 260992
Euclidean distance to acidic granitic bedrock
Dist to mafic rock (m):30 to 269142
Euclidean distance to mafic bedrock
Dist to ultramafic rock (m):31994 to 335542
Euclidean distance to ultramafic bedrock
Impervious surface 1-cell mean (percent):0 to 6
mean percent impervious cover in 1-cell radius (30 meter cells)
Impervious surface 10-cell mean (percent):0 to 7
mean percent impervious cover in 10-cell radius (30 meter cells)
Impervious surface 100-cell mean (percent):0 to 18.2
mean percent impervious cover in 100-cell radius (30 meter cells)
Isothermality:2779.2 to 3457.6
comparison of day-to-night and summer-to-winter temperature oscillations
July precip (mm):90.7 to 136.2
July precipitation
June precip (mm):107.9 to 148.9
June precipiation
May precip (mm):81.5 to 130.4
May precipitation
Mean diurnal range (deg C):9.7 to 12.9
(mean of monthly (max temp - min temp))
Min temp of coldest month (deg C):-10.9 to -6.8
minimum temperature of coldest month
Mean temp of coldest quarter (deg C):-5 to -0.6
mean temperature of coldest quarter
Mean temp of driest quarter (deg C):-5 to 0.5
mean temperature of driest quarter
Mean temp of wettest quarter (deg C):8.8 to 21
mean temperature of wettest quarter
Mean temp of warmest quarter (deg C):17.3 to 21.6
mean temperature of warmest quarter
Max temp of warmest month (deg C):24.1 to 28.9
maximum temperature of warmest month
Deciduous forest cover 1-cell mean:0 to 100
mean deciduous forest cover within 1-cell radius
Deciduous forest cover 10-cell mean:0 to 100
mean deciduous forest cover within 10-cell radius
Deciduous forest cover 100-cell mean:35 to 93.9
mean deciduous forest cover within 100-cell radius
Evergreen forest cover 1-cell mean:0 to 100
mean evergreen forest cover within 1-cell radius
Evergreen forest cover 10-cell mean:0 to 79.8
mean evergreen forest cover within 10-cell radius
Evergreen forest cover 100-cell mean:0 to 51
mean evergreen forest cover within 100-cell radius
Forest cover 1-cell mean:0 to 1
mean forest cover within 1-cell radius
Forest cover 10-cell mean:0 to 1
mean forest cover within 10-cell radius
Forest cover 100-cell mean:0.4 to 1
mean forest cover within 100 cell radius
Open cover 1-cell mean:0 to 0.8
mean open cover within 1-cell radius
Open cover 10-cell mean:0 to 0.5
mean open cover within 10-cell radius
Open cover 100-cell mean:0 to 0.3
mean open cover within 100 cell radius
Shrub cover 1-cell mean:0 to 1
mean shrub cover within 1-cell radius
Shrub cover 10-cell mean:0 to 0.7
mean shrub cover within 10-cell radius
Shrub cover 100-cell mean:0 to 0.2
mean shrub cover within 100 cell radius
Water cover 1-cell mean:0 to 1
mean open water cover within 1-cell radius
Water cover 10-cell mean:0 to 0.6
mean open water cover within 10-cell radius
Water cover 100-cell mean:0 to 0.2
mean open water cover within 100 cell radius
Wetland cover 1-cell mean:0 to 1
mean wetland cover within 1-cell radius
Wetland cover 10-cell mean:0 to 1
mean wetland cover within 10-cell radius
Wetland cover 100-cell mean:0 to 0.4
mean wetland cover within 100 cell radius
Normalized dispersion of precip:1154 to 2227.1
normalized dispersion (CV) of precipitation
Precip of coldest quarter (mm):168.4 to 303
precipitation of coldest quarter
Precip of driest month (mm):49.7 to 87.4
precipitation of driest month
Precip of driest quarter (mm):168.4 to 296.2
precipitation of driest quarter
Precip of wettest month (mm):107.8 to 148.9
precipitation of wettest month
Precip of wettest quarter (mm):293.4 to 415.5
precipitation of wettest quarter
Precip of warmest quarter (mm):287.1 to 402.1
precipitation of warmest quarter
Solar radiation equinox:4503 to 25077
Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the equinox
Solar radiation summer solstice:5892 to 31478
Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the summer solstice
Solar radiation winter solstice:3724 to 20585
Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the winter solstice
Roughness 100-cell circle:11.8 to 141
The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells.
Roughness 10-cell circle:0.4 to 67.6
The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells.
Roughness 1-cell square:0 to 23.6
The standard deviation of elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell.
Slope length (m):-20 to 47665
The longest upslope distance along the flow path to the top of the drainage divide, plus the downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature.
Slope (deg):0 to 41.8
The inclination of slope in degrees.
Temp annual range (deg C):34.1 to 38.3
(max temp warmest month - min temp coldest month)
Temp seasonality:8976 to 9614.2
(STD * 100)
Topographic postion index 1-cell square:-5.4 to 9.9
Topographic position index using elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell
Topographic postion index 10-cell radius:-60.7 to 62.8
Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells.
Topographic postion index 100-cell radius:-242.1 to 97.9
Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells.
Total annual precip (mm):928.4 to 1404.8
total annual precipitation